Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's The Point?

I have just finished leading the first ten-week class in Disipleship at The Union Rescue Mission's Men's Recovery Center. Actually, this past ten weeks have only been the past ten that I have lead the class. This class has been going on for a long, long time. Three years ago, when I was resident at the Mission, Pastor Maynard taught the class. Some how during this past three years I have been groomed to take Maynards place as he has moved on to teach an after graduation program here at the Mission. Knowing who I was and all that I had done, how could it be that I was blessed with the opportunity to lead this class? I mean really, what's the point? How could I even begin to be useful in this capacity?

I was initally overwhelmed and thoroughly intimidated when Maynard asked me to start teaching this class. We had been using the Max Lucado workbook, "Experincing The Heart Of Jesus." We would continue to use this text as an anchor in the class. This workbook is designed to further draw the student into understanding and relationship with Christ. I also felt that there was a need for another forum. One that addressed current needs and situations we find ourselves in after we leave the Mission. My inital thought was what would be the things I would impart to a loved one if all I had was ten hours left on earth. What would I deem the most important information for their ability to maintain a relationship with Christ and empower them to navigate and endure the forces that this world is gonna throw at them. I started brainstorming and came up with ten subject headings. they were broad and somewhat vague. in the back of my mind I still felt overwhelmed and was beginimg to become convinced that I was not the man for this job. I mean really, how could God possibly use me? What's the point?

I was working on the third floor of the Church one day and thinking about the "ten truths" that I was trying to develope for the upcoming class. I walked by an often ignored framed print on the wall. It was a print that we often refer to in conversation and use to justify our behaviors. The Ten Commandments. How fitting. Here am running around looking for ten truths and THE TEN TRUTHS are right there all the time. It was one of those ah ha moments. I read the Commandments and it all came together.

I. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

Life Application- Relationship of Humble Service. Time to end your selfish, fronting hustle and start serving others.

II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Life Application- Get Over Yourself. You were your favorite graven image.

III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Life Application-You Must Have Daily Maintanence With God. Relationship, Relationship, Relationship.

IV. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy

Life Application-Obedience To Authority-Live By Example

V. Honor thy father andthy mother

Life Application-Justice, accepting the rules and justice of God and the authorites over you.

VI. Thou shalt not kill.

Life Application-Grace, give it before you get it from others. Grace under condemnation

VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery

Life Application-Temptation, how to deal with it, it's coming.

VIII. Thou shalt not steal

Life application-Transparent living- open book attitude. Keys to accountability.

IX. Thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbor.

Life Application-Faithful in the moment. moment to moment

X. Thou shalt not covet. Period.

Life Application-Satisfaction and Contentment. How to recognize it and how to keep it.

These are the things that I was given. These are the lessons that are being developed for use at the Mission. So, what's the point?

The point is that God uses who He wants how and when He wants. We who have relationship with Jesus are at His service. We place ourselves into the service position when we submit ourselves to Him. We are invited to surrender ourselves unto Jesus. We really don't understand how badly we need Christ until Christ is all that we have. When we do so we then can be actively use by Him for His purpose and His glorification. The point of being called by and in service of Christ is that we glorify him. I guarentee you that there are folks out there that know how I used to be. The broken, lost, hopeless, violent, addicted sinner. They would not recognize me or my heart today. My wife would be one of the first to stand and tell you the radical transformation that my relationship with Christ has had in my life. He uses me. I am malleable to His touch. He is The Potter............

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