Thursday, September 17, 2009

Have You Been To The Lost And Found?

October 30, 2006 I made my public proclamation of my belief that Jesus is the Son of God, The Savior of my soul and My redeemer. I had ran from Jesus since I was a young man and I wrote this note to myself back in 2006 so I would never forget how Christ has restored, renewed and given my life purpose. I want to share this because I know there are others that have similar life experiences and someday, someway this message may make a difference in their lives.

Tonight I feel as though everything I have considered as loss is now gain. I have waited thirty-three years to be baptized. I wish it had not taken that long but it did. The Lord gave me the one thing that I would need when I was twelve years old. Jesus let me know the truth. I accepted the truth and promptly started piling all the junk in this life that I wanted right on top of the truth. I separated myself from Christ by living like this world. By the world's rules. The Lord waited patiently for years to see if I would willingly dig through the junk drawer of my life, cluttered with things of this world that covered the precious gift of my salvation. I didn't. I couldn't. I was not strong enough. So the Lord started flicking pieces of my life away, removing the worldly accumulations and relationships and abilities. After each major removal of a significant piece of my life it was like God would pause and ask; is that enough? Your life is in shambles. Do you see it yet? The gift I gave you long ago? Do you see it? The Lord removed everything in my life so that through this series of trials and losses He would give my an acute understanding that there is nothing before Jesus.

I had to loose everything and everyone just to pay attention to Him.

When I accepted Him, I gained everything. He has restored my life with His purpose for me.

I can now see where every single life experience up to this moment is of benefit in the execution of The Great Commission. The task at hand to take the Gospel, the guarantee of Christs' salvation thru the message of His willing sacrifice for all peoples, to all peoples. I have a purpose. We have a purpose. We have a testimony. We've been there and done that. We can identify with the lost. We can communicate effectively with the masses of people that still carry the suffocating burden of their own sin, not knowing how to reach for the outstretched hand of our Savior. He brought purpose to my pain and meaning to loss and suffering. He righted and erased my wrongs and made me whole. He promises an everlasting joy and comfort in His presence. Because of this gift that I was unable to earn and unworthy to receive, I do this; I love Him. I trust Him. I obey Him. I love others. In doing these things I am privileged to see all my past come now to count as joy. My future is secure. my path is set. Christ is worthy.

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